August 2024: Letters to the editor

Readers’ thoughts on the Downs

We are Clifton residents and use the Downs regularly. 

 I write in particular on behalf of my late mother who had a home on the edge of the Downs in Saville Road. She died last December a few weeks short of her 102 birthday. Sadly she had to spend the last three years of her life, in the home of her dreams bought after a lifetime of work and serving in the RAF during WW2, staring at the sight of illegally parked vans, motor homes and caravans and cars parked on the grass adjacent to her home.

On her behalf we made numerous calls to the Downs Rangers office, parking services and messages to the Mayor pointing out that our Downs, certainly the jewel of Bristol, was being systematically trashed and nobody seemed to care. The Ranger never answers their phone but despite his polite message vowing to call back, they never did. I even called in at their office at the top of Pembroke Road offering to distribute leaflets on vehicles pointing out the illegality of parking on the grass, but these were never supplied. Calls to the number for parking issues on the Downs signage no longer exists.  The emails to the mayor’s office were eventually responded to in a very generic, impersonal and political manner and offered nothing except excuses. 

Apart from the numerous van dwellers in Parrys Lane and Saville Road these now have spread to most of Circular Road. The maximum four hours parking is laughed off by the owners or tenants of these vehicles. Many have been there for weeks, months and some years now!  These, sometimes huge, vehicles have ruined the grass verges and damaged many of the historic kerbs. As regular users of the Downs we daily witness the building and human waste, rubbish and other detritus spread all around. 

It is currently a disgrace and an embarrassment to those visiting our beautiful city. 

Your following article intimates that those properties adjacent to the Downs could be taxed further to police it better? To many that would be seen to be a further attack on the middle classes and those owners represent a tiny proportion of those who use the Downs for recreation. However, I am sure they (we) would be willing to pay if we thought it would restore our Downs to the beautiful space it once was.

Nick and Jane Bailey

I live off Whiteladies road near the Downs but never go there so why would I want to pay for something I don’t use;  the haves seem to want it all yet again. If thecouncil did something about the homeless services they provide then people wouldn’t have to pitch tents or live in vans. Is it not a public space for everyone to use not just those that live there?

Barbara Bennett

I have the privilege of living near the Downs and use this wonderful space all the time. I’d happily pay £20 a year – a lot cheaper than a gym. Past failures to enforce infringements and to advertise the by-laws has given rise to so much selfish behaviour that all users are suffering. It’s only a matter of time before a car will drive through a family picnic, or an unaware elderly couple. Can we not have low posts round the area to stop cars and caravans? 

A resident 

I was delighted to read in Clifton Voice that there is a possibility of security patrols on the Downs.

 I have lived on the edge of the Downs for 34 years and have never known the area to be so dirty and uncared for.  For seven years I have regularly walked my dogs there but now I am loathe to do this and instead drive to Ashton Court where the grounds are clean and cared for.  The bushes on the Downs are full of food rubbish (leftovers from the constant barbecues); human excrement and tissues; and other disgusting litter which unfortunately dogs are prone to eat!  I often see rats and am sure that there is a high chance of a health issue here.  I have confronted some groups of picnickers who have brought their cars on to the grass but have received abuse and threats when I have pointed out that this is just not allowed.  Certainly many years ago there used to be notices pointing out that barbecues; cycling; littering were not allowed – could these not be reinstated?  And please could we have one or two toilet blocks re-opened?

 This is a lovely space in the centre of our city – please can we look after it better?  I am happy to volunteer for any improving  work needed.

Victoria Gordon