New book club explores translated literature

A new and innovative monthly book club has been launched at to bring the joy of translated literature to a wider audience. Hosted by popular Henleaze bookshop, Max Minerva’s, the club aims to establish a community of like-minded readers to experience literature from different language and cultures, and stimulate discussion about translated literature.

The club is the brainchild of the shop’s events co-ordinator, Evelyn Heis. Originally from Argentina and fascinated with translated literature since childhood, Evelyn was recently chosen to be an international reading challenge ambassador for the 2024 International Booker Prize.

She says “every word is meticulously placed” in translated literature and acts as a window into other cultures which helps people “foster empathy” for one another. She acknowledges the skill and artistry involved in such work, interpreting the words in one language and carefully constructing a version in another language, whilst maintaining the tone, humour, style and sentiment of the original.

Inspired by the multi-cultural and multi-lingual nature of Bristol, Evelyn adds: “Delving into a new author and language monthly, I hope to read around the world with our book club members and to instigate stimulating discussions about literature in translation.”

The translated book club will be held at Max Minerva’s on the last week of each month. It is free to join and the book can be ordered through the shop. To register your interest, or for more information, email