Work to fill in sinkhole gets under way

Work has finally begun to fill in a sinkhole that suddenly appeared in Canynge Square gardens.

Two large trees collapsed into a hole after their roots penetrated through the roof of a vault, the existence of which was unknown.

A section of the green and surrounding road has been cordoned off since Christmas Day 2020 when the hole first appeared.  

An inspection found that a network of cellars under the green space had failed, resulting in a hole opening up measuring roughly 9 metres by 5.5 metres, with a depth of around 5 metres.

Bristol City Council contractors expect to take up to three months to fill in the  Georgian vaults under the green with foam concrete. They will also carry out landscaping works to restore the affected area. 

While the stabilisation work is going on the whole of Canynge Square open space will be closed. Parking along the western side of the square will be suspended from Monday to Friday between 8am and 5pm.

   Councillor Paula O’Rourke, one of the two outgoing Green Party councillors for Clifton, said:  “We all know the pressures on the council’s budget, so, with closed bridges and paths all over the city, it was going to be hard to get this project onto any work programme for several years. 

   “An alternative option needed to be explored. Using the model of the way we funded the repair to the children’s playground on Observatory Hill, I approached the residents in the square and suggested that, if they could contribute to the cost, the council might be persuaded to progress the work if they only have to find half of the funding for it. 

    “I know many people will think that we pay enough in council tax not to have to pay directly to have work done, and I can see that point of view. However, with 70% of the council budget required for adult and children’s social care (which is statutory) in this case, we had the choice of waiting for years to have the restoration of the gardens or helping.

    “I am grateful to the residents of Canynge Square for organising the crowd funder that got the project off the ground and delighted they can enjoy the garden this summer”