Artwork boosts restoration hopes

AN artwork on the front of Jacobs Wells Baths in Hotwells is part of a fundraising appeal for repairs to the Grade II listed building.

Trinity Community Arts is leading efforts to restore the building, which was used as a dance studio for more than 30 years until 2018.

The artwork is a bespoke pen and ink drawing by Bristol-based artist Amy Hutchings and features words shared by members of the Hotwells community as part of a community consultation led by Trinity. 

The artwork features as a reward for the Jacobs Wells fundraiser on the Bristol-based Fundsurfer platform. Trinity is asking residents to give what they can to help reach a £5,000 fundraising target. People can donate via the Bristol-based Fund Surfer platform here:   

Councillor Craig Cheney, Deputy Mayor for Finance, Governance, Performance, and Culture said: “It’s great to see this exciting progress after the disappointment and uncertainty surrounding the restoration of Jacobs Wells Baths. The new artwork demonstrates how much this Grade II listed building means to the local community, and I’m sure they will be among those giving their full support to the newly launched fundraiser. Any contributions will be vital for Trinity Community Arts achieving their vision of bringing the site back into use as a community arts hub, building on the 35-year Community Asset Transfer lease which we awarded back in July.”  

 Emma Harvey CEO, Trinity Community Arts said:  “We often stroll past boarded up buildings like this, imagining how they could be put to good use. The community have long campaigned to save this space and want to see it brought back into use for public benefit. That’s why we’re working hard to secure funds to restore this amazing space. Anyone wanting to support this transformative journey can donate via our Fundsurfer appeal to help us reach our target.”  

Trinity is working alongside local councillors, residents and Hotwells and Cliftonwood Community Association on the £4 million restoration project.

Trinity has received a six-month occupational licence, to enable it to undertake a detailed series of specialist surveys, funded by the Bristol-based Nisbet Trust,  and to undertake emergency works to halt any further damage to the roof due to water ingress. 

Trinity have secured funding from the Architectural Heritage Fund, Sylvia Waddilove Foundation UK and the Community Ownership Fund – aimed at matching the funding from the Nisbet Trust.