October 2024: News from your councillors

News from Green Party  Clifton Down councillors George Calascione and Serena Ralston

Hello again from Serena and George, your Green Party councillors for Clifton Down. As autumn approaches, we’d like to say a big welcome to students in our community. We continue to work and support you on many local issues ranging from waste collections through to planning.

Sharing good news

It was lovely to see the historic fountains outside the Victoria Rooms back in full flow. In the summer, we had contacted the council’s parks team who told us they were working on the drainage system. With ornate shells and resident merman and mermaid, the fountains are a wonderful local landmark. We enjoyed taking a break there on a very hot day in August – a really refreshing experience! 

We’re really pleased that the first planters are now in at the new community food growing space behind the Clifton Down Shopping Centre. To continue this good work and install more planters, the Clifton Down Community Association held an open day last month to launch a crowdfunder. If you would like to find out more and get involved, visit the growing space website www.cliftondowngrowingspace.com

After reports from a member of the Oakfield Road Residents’ Association about a poorly tree on Leigh Road, we contacted the council’s tree team which has confirmed that they will replace it this winter. 

Welcome students!

We know it’s a busy and exciting time for students moving in or returning to our community. Welcome to all. Don’t forget there is support available to help you settle in. The University of Bristol’s Community Liaison team is running the ‘Students Move In’ campaign with Bristol Waste. 

Student welcome events are planned in our area for October:

• October 14 and 15: 10am-2pm – Trade Stand outside Alma Road /Alma Vale Road junction near the Alma Church 

• October 15, 7pm: A student welcome evening with the Clifton Down Community Association 6.30-7pm onwards at the Alma Tavern.

For neighbours and residents, the Community Liaison Officer and Community Liaison Coordinator are there to help with student issues, particularly around noise, parties, antisocial behaviour and waste. You can contact them on community-living@bristol.ac.uk

For students and all residents, do also get in touch if you need our help.


We are aware of new plans for the redevelopment of Home Gardens at the top of Whiteladies Road. This scheme is from the same developers whose application for the same number of flats on the site was refused by planning committee, and dismissed at planning appeal in 2023. The new application includes demolition of existing buildings, and construction of two new buildings to provide up to 60 flats and up to 209 sq.m. of flexible office space on the Whiteladies Road ground floor frontage. As we write this, we are carefully reviewing the application and are in contact with neighbouring residents. You can view the application (24/02736/P) on the council website.

Our oldest resident?

Did you know that the remains of the fourth dinosaur to be identified by science were found right here in our neighbourhood?  The Thecodontosaurus was a small, two-legged dinosaur that lived in the Bristol area just over 200 million years ago. The first remains of this animal came from a quarry next to Quarry Steps (near the top of Blackboy Hill) in 1834. Local historian Ashley Coates got in touch to tell us about his campaign to get a plaque put up there to mark this momentous discovery. He has set up a petition for the plaque and is investigating paleo/geology funding sources to cover the costs. You can find his petition on the council’s petition webpage. 

Councillor surgeries

We hold councillor surgeries on the first Friday of the month from 12 to 1.30 at Redland Library. If you have a specific local issue you wish to discuss with us, please come along.

You can also email us: 

Serena Ralston cllr.serena.ralston@bristol.gov.uk

George Calascione cllr.george.calascione@bristol.gov.uk