Greens to run council after historic victory

THE Greens stormed to victory in the Bristol City Council local elections but fell agonisingly short of an overall majority.

The party ended with 34 councillors, two shy of the magic figure of 36 required to be bigger than all the other groups combined.

Both Labour and the Liberal Democrats made gains over the Conservatives, but Labour, ended with a net loss of two councillors, leaving them on 21.

The Greens gained an extra 10 seats. The Lib Dems have eight members in the chamber, an increase of three, while the Tories lost half of their 14 seats and now have just seven.

The results indicate the Greens have a strong chance of winning the Bristol Central MP seat in the upcoming general election.

Carla Denyer, co-leader of the national party who has stood down as a Bristol councillor, is the parliamentary candidate trying to beat Labour and become the second Green MP.

She said all councillors in every ward within the constituency were now Greens, with Labour losing out.

Labour group leader Cllr Tom Renhard said the party had some good results, including ousting a Conservative in Frome Vale.


Turnout: 39%

Paula O’Rourke, Green: 2,126

Jerome Thomas, Green: 1,849

Elena Dirik, Labour: 872

Dan McTiernan, Labour: 655

Daniel Bond, Conservative: 376

Alastair Hamilton, Conservative: 362

Ana Ribeiro, Liberal Democrats: 242

Neil Harvie, Liberal Democrats: 230

Clifton Down

Turnout: 41.36%

Serena Ralston, Green: 1,813

George Calascione, Green: 1,705

Tristan Harris, Labour: 903

Nick Smith, Labour: 803

Michael Abbott, Conservative: 294

Oscar Lucas, Conservative: 250

Elizabeth Badman, Lib Dems: 186

Merche Clark, Lib Dems: 166

Suzanne Muna, Trade Unionist & Socialist Coalition: 78