Carla to stand down

Carla Denyer has announced that she will not be re-standing as councillor for Clifton Down in the local elections in May as she wants to focus on becoming Bristol’s first Green MP.

Carla has represented the residents of this area in City Hall for almost a decade, after first being elected in 2015. Following ward boundary changes she was re-elected in 2016, and again in 2021. 

As a councillor she has used her platform to advocate for fairer and greener transport, renters’ rights and climate action, including leading Bristol City Council to declare a climate emergency in 2018, the first such motion in Europe. 

Carla, who is national co-leader of the Green Party,  said:“It has been an honour to represent the residents of Clifton Down since 2015 and I look forward to continuing working hard for them as I finish my elected term. I will then turn my focus to representing the views and concerns of the residents of [new Parliamentary constituency] Bristol Central (which includes Clifton Down) as their Green Party MP candidate.”